Greater Men's Mid-Week Small Groups
Wednesday Evenings
6:30 - 8:00 PM
Kokernot 304 & 308
Greater Men Small Groups
We believe a GMC small group is one of the best places for Jesus to cause real growth in men. Our hope is that every man at FBCSA will discover real friendship, cultivate Jesus-exalting masculinity, and learn to obey Jesus boldly.
What happens during small group?
Hopefully, you will have a lot of fun getting to know other men, but you can expect a guided conversation throughout the evening.
Currently, we use the CALL method in our small groups:
How’s life? Any high or low points? The point is men get to know each other better and build important connections.
Are there any areas of life that need attention? Or something you really would like God to work on in your life? Or goals that you want to share?
We can’t grow without God’s Word. How does this verse challenge men? What hope does it provide? What qualities of God should shape us? Is there a quality/behavior to avoid?
What can we do to live the text this week? Set a goal if you can.
Pray for one another, specifically that God’s word would bear fruit.
Greater Men's Conversations
2nd & 4th Sundays
8:00 - 9:00 PM (Via Zoom)
Pursuing healthy and transformational friendships with other men through open conversations about all the important things in life
Led by Danny Panter and Marcus Simmons (Elder at All Nations Worship Assembly)
Meeting via Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. 8:00pm-9:00pm.