Love Your Neighbor Challenge

Weekly Challenges Through August

On June 9, we began our 12-week "Love Your Neighbor Challenge." Each week you will receive a prompt to PRAY for your Neighbors, BLESS your neighborhood, and SERVE in your community.

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 12

8/25 - 8/31

Love Marriage

PRAY: That marriages are kept holy and that couples receive the Christian counseling they need to thrive. Ask the Lord to protect the married couples around you, lifting them up by name daily. Give thanks to God for ministries such as the San Antonio Marriage Initiative.

BLESS: A married or engaged couple by offering friendship. You may casually impart wisdom into their lives through natural discipleship. We can learn from each other’s mistakes and successes, sharing life and wisdom with those around us.

SERVE: A married couple by offering to watch their children for free and providing them with a low-cost date night. Bring dinner to a family with many kids and get to know them better. Older married couples can foster real discipleship by becoming like family to younger couples.

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 11

8/18 - 24

Love the Unsheltered [Homeless]

PRAY: For those who have no family or home, ask the Lord to comfort them and provide peace and provision. For those who are broken in mind and spirit, ask for healing. For those with addictions, pray for freedom and transformation through Christ.

BLESS: Instead of giving money, give your time and attention to make them feel valued and human. Offer a cold drink or a meal, and share scripture.

SERVE: Volunteer at the GI Forum (Veteran shelter) during the week, at CUB on Fridays or attend a Saturday morning church service in the CAM parking lot (Foxhole ministries). Additionally, you can visit homeless camps with Fred Alvarado (BWA).

Contact our Community Missions Ministry to get involved.

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 10


Love Children and Schools

PRAY: For teachers and administrators to experience and share Christ’s love with the children throughout the year. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and protect everyone in the hallways and classrooms.

BLESS: Visit your local school for prayer-walking and lift up the school’s needs. Ask teachers how you can pray for them, write encouraging letters, or give gift cards. Share the Word of God for spiritual support.

SERVE: Join the PTA, assist with community events, volunteer with programs like Briscoe Buddies, mentor a child, or help with Wednesday night basketball at FBCSA.

Contact our Community Missions Ministry to get involved.

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 9

8/4 -10

Foster Parents and Grandparents (Kinship)

PRAY: That these caregivers would be sustained by God's grace. Ask God to give them community in the Church; real support that relieves their daily burdens.

BLESS: A foster family or a grandparent by getting to know them and their children. These families need beds and clothing for children, money for groceries, and real meaningful relationships.

SERVE: By buying, building or delivering beds, providing spiritual follow-up visits, and becoming a certified babysitter to give the caregivers a break.

Contact our Community Missions Ministry to help follow up with 12 families that are in need.

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 8

7/28 - 8/3

"Love Migrant and Refugee Families"

PRAY: That those who have lost their homes and family would find a place to belong in the Family of God. Ask the Lord who provides to give them their daily bread. Pray for millions to come to faith in Jesus during these difficult times.

BLESS: Bless a family in need by loving the Honduran children that come to our church on Sundays or give to help the new babies being born to our Afghan families. Get to know a Congolese family or Burmese family and welcome them into your home.

SERVE: Volunteering with our ESL program or Afghan VBS program. Visit a family to help with groceries or new baby needs. Visit the Migrant Center and offer a bottle of cold water in Jesus name. Contact the Community Missions office for more info.

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 7

7/21 - 27

Love Your Missionaries

PRAY: For the missionaries that we support & get to know them better. Ask that they would not grow weary in doing good for

the Lord. Pray that souls would be saved & become disciple-makers. Use the touch screen kiosk on the map wall to connect.

BLESS: By writing an encouraging letter or email to Byron Pitts. The FBCSA missions office will make sure they receive it. You can also write online:

SERVE: One of our own missionaries by asking how to help them with expenses or asking them to share their stories of God’s grace to your small group. See if you can mail them a item from the USA that they miss.

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 6

7/14 - 20

"Love Those in Foster Care"

PRAY: For caseworkers, children in our community’s foster care system, foster parents and grandparents (kinship caregivers), children seeking adoption, and prospective adoptive parents. May they all experience the love of Christ.

BLESS: Write "Thank You" cards for caseworkers, donate to support their efforts, and contribute to the Kinmart back-to-school shopping event.

SERVE: Become a respite babysitter, a foster family, or a CASA advocate.

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 5

7/7 - 13

"Pray for Local Ministries and Volunteer 1x This Month"

PRAY: For local ministry leaders serving in homelessness, foster care, child hunger, youth sports, CRU military discipleship, refugees, literacy, children’s Bible clubs, and the needs of our church family.

BLESS: Someone in your community by giving to help make these ministries and missions possible.

SERVE: Your community by volunteering at least 1x a month. Choose from many volunteer opportunities at

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 4

6/30 - 7/6

"Love Your Military and First Responders"

PRAY: For the Armed Forces, Police, and First Responders who maintain peace in our city but struggle to find peace in their own lives. Pray for serenity and rest to all those who selflessly dedicate their lives to serving our community and country.

BLESS: Reach out to your Military, Police, and First Responder friends or neighbors with words of encouragement. Write letters to those serving in the Military on assignment. Send thank you notes to your local Police station or your local Fire Department.

SERVE: Support a community Fire or Police Station by offering to bring donuts or dinner. Volunteer at a Wounded Warriors or Fisher House on a nearby military base. Assist local homeless Veterans through Community Missions.

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 3

6/23 - 29

"Love Your Next Door Neighbor"

PRAY: For your neighbors every day this week. Download the BLESS App at

BLESS: Three people this week by giving Words of Affirmation, performing Acts of Kindness, and Giving Gifts.

SERVE: Your next door neighbors by getting to know them, take over some baked goods, or share a meal with them. Jesus always ministered around a dining room table.

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 2

6/16 - 22

"Love Widows, Homebound, Sick, and Lonely"

PRAY: For your sick and homebound neighbors. Reach out to them with a call, visit, or a helping hand.

BLESS: Volunteer to visit those in hospitals or care facilities. Offer a home-cooked meal or simply strike up a conversation with someone new.

SERVE: The elderly, handicapped, and widowed in your community by helping with yard work, routine home maintenance, or grocery shopping to ensure their comfort and safety at home.

Love Your Neighbor: Challenge 1

6/9 - 15

"Love Your Bothers And Sisters In Christ"

PRAY for those here in church, watching on TV, livestreaming online, ministry leaders, volunteers, and persecuted Christians around the world.

BLESS someone new at church, invite them to lunch or call a neighbor and bless them with unexpected encouragement.

SERVE your community alongside fellow Christians and seek opportunities to love your neighbors in unified service to others.

We would love to hear your testimonies through these weekly challenges. Please share those by clicking below!