Spring Semester 2023
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Webb Hall - 212/214
Upcoming Gatherings:
February - 2 & 16
March - 2
April - 6 & 20
May - 4
What is MOPS?
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is an international organization for all moms of infants through kindergartners, providing an opportunity to meet other moms and make the journey of motherhood together. FBCSA MOPS exists to equip, encourage, develop, and bring moms what they want and need.
When does MOPS meet?
FBCSA MOPS will meet every first and third Thursday from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
What will I do at MOPS?
MOPS has insightful speakers, helpful demonstrations, small mom-to-mom discussion groups, fun crafts, creative activities, great food, and relaxing fellowship, all of which is under the guidance of Mentor Moms to help you through the Journey of Motherhood.
Is there a fee?
The MOPS fee for 2022-2023 is $60 per semester. This fee covers the costs of a MOPS International Membership (a requirement) and supplies needed throughout the year.
What’s included in a MOPS membership?
The Community...
• Circle of women who love each other like family because being a mom is beautiful and hard, and finding hope in the midst is life giving.
• Connect with women who have your back, dry your tears and call you into new adventures.
The Kit …
• A guidebook to help transform your year
• Postcards and prints to spread some love
• A small jewelry item that matches our annual theme
And, of course, some surprises that’ll cause spontaneous smiles!