
A Season of Waiting and Anticipation

On Sunday, December 1 we will enter into the season that many call “the most wonderful time of the year.” There are parties to attend, Christmas lights to admire, and baked treats aplenty. It truly is a season of wonder. When we observe the liturgical calendar, though, it opens our eyes and lets us see that these days are even more wonderful than we imagined.

We begin with the season of Advent, in which we enter a time of waiting. We wait for Christmas Day of course, but we wait for so much more than that. Advent teaches us to go back in time and wait alongside the ancient Israelites, yearning for the promised Messiah. It also teaches us to look ahead, and wait with anticipation for Jesus to come again in glory. With Christmas comes not just one day, but a season of celebration! Christ has finally come, hallelujah! Our waiting is fulfilled and we can celebrate and worship the Christ child. As we enter the season of Epiphany, we’ll see Christ’s glory. While Jesus wasn’t what the people expected, this season reminds us that he is so much more glorious than we can comprehend.

As we journey through these seasons as a church family, we will examine the Psalms. Specifically, we will study the Psalms that prophesy of our Messiah, Jesus our Savior. It is our hope that through studying these Psalms, you gain a new sense of wonder for what we celebrate in the most wonderful time of the year. It is our prayer that these Psalms will uncover the hope, peace, joy, and love that Jesus offers, and that you will see his glory and eternal reign as we worship him this season.